Configuring Database Queue Driver on Windows Server


Configuring Database Queue Driver on Windows Server

  • To open Task scheduler press Win+R and type taskschd.msc.
  • On the Right pane of the Task scheduler select Create Basic Task enter a Name for the task and click Next.

  • Under Task Trigger, section select Daily and click Next and leave the default values in Daily section tick the Synchronize across time zones and proceed Next.

  • Now under the Action section select Start a program and click Next.

  • In Start a program copy the below value into the program/script field.
  • Add the following highlighted values to the Argument :

  • This is for the reports.
    For IIS
    /c php "c:\inetpub\wwwroot\artisan" queue:listen database --queue=reports
    For Apache
    /c php "c:\Apache24\htdocs\artisan" queue:listen database --queue=reports
  • This is for recurring.
    For IIS
    /c php "c:\inetpub\wwwroot\artisan" queue:listen database --queue=recurring
    For Apache
    /c php "c:\Apache24\htdocs\artisan" queue:listen database --queue=recurring
  • This is for outgoing mail.
    For IIS
    /c php "c:\inetpub\wwwroot\artisan" queue:work database
    For Apache
    /c php "c:\Apache24\htdocs\artisan" queue:work database
  • This is for Faveo Notifications.
    For IIS
    /c php "c:\inetpub\wwwroot\artisan" queue:listen database --queue=high_priority_notify,notify
    For Apache
    /c php "c:\Apache24\htdocs\artisan" queue:listen database --queue=high_priority_notify,notify

  • Finally under the Finish section select the checkbox to open the properties window after finish and click the Finish button.

  • In the properties window, select the Triggers tab, click on Edit and select the checkbox for Repeat task every set values to run every 5 minutes, for a duration of indefinitely and click on OK.

  • Similarly add two more Triggers At log on & At startup up, set values to run every 5 minutes, for a duration of indefinitely and click on OK.

Note: Database queue driver must be used only in windows server. C Panel or Linux users should not use database as queue driver.
