Configuring Database Queue Driver on Windows Server
Configuring Database Queue Driver on Windows Server
- To open Task scheduler press Win+R and type taskschd.msc.
- On the Right pane of the Task scheduler select Create Basic Task enter a Name for the task and click Next.
Under Task Trigger, section select Daily and click Next and leave the default values in Daily section tick the Synchronize across time zones and proceed Next.
Now under the Action section select Start a program and click Next.
- In Start a program copy the below value into the program/script field.
Add the following highlighted values to the Argument :
- This is for the reports.
For IIS /c php "c:\inetpub\wwwroot\artisan" queue:listen database --queue=reports For Apache /c php "c:\Apache24\htdocs\artisan" queue:listen database --queue=reports
- This is for recurring.
For IIS /c php "c:\inetpub\wwwroot\artisan" queue:listen database --queue=recurring For Apache /c php "c:\Apache24\htdocs\artisan" queue:listen database --queue=recurring
- This is for outgoing mail.
For IIS /c php "c:\inetpub\wwwroot\artisan" queue:work database For Apache /c php "c:\Apache24\htdocs\artisan" queue:work database
- This is for Faveo Notifications.
For IIS /c php "c:\inetpub\wwwroot\artisan" queue:listen database --queue=high_priority_notify,notify For Apache /c php "c:\Apache24\htdocs\artisan" queue:listen database --queue=high_priority_notify,notify
Finally under the Finish section select the checkbox to open the properties window after finish and click the Finish button.
In the properties window, select the Triggers tab, click on Edit and select the checkbox for Repeat task every set values to run every 5 minutes, for a duration of indefinitely and click on OK.
- Similarly add two more Triggers At log on & At startup up, set values to run every 5 minutes, for a duration of indefinitely and click on OK.
Note: Database queue driver must be used only in windows server. C Panel or Linux users should not use database as queue driver.