Faveo Helpdesk Migration to Docker


This documentation outlines the step-by-step process for migrating Faveo Helpdesk from a legacy server to a Dockerized environment.

Migration Steps

Steps on the Old Server

1. Take File System Backup

Create a compressed archive of the Faveo file system on the old server:

zip -r faveo-fs-bkp-dd-mm-yy.zip /path/to/faveo

2. Take Database Backup

Export the Faveo database into an SQL file:

mysqldump -u user -ppassword faveo > faveo-db-bkp-dd-mm-yy.sql

3. Transfer Backup Files to the New Server

Use scp to copy the file system and database backups to the new server:

scp faveo-fs-bkp-dd-mm-yy.zip user@new_server_ip:/path/to/destination
scp faveo-db-bkp-dd-mm-yy.sql user@new_server_ip:/path/to/destination

Steps on the New Server

1. Install Faveo Using Docker

Follow the official Faveo Docker installation documentation at the link below to install Faveo on the new server: Faveo Docker Installation Guide

This step will create a directory named faveo-helpdesk-docker-v2/faveo and deploy the necessary Docker containers.

2. Copy the Database Backup to the MySQL Container

Transfer the database backup file into the running MySQL container:

docker cp faveo-db-bkp-dd-mm-yy.sql <mysql_container_id>:/path/inside/container

3. Import the Database into the Faveo MySQL Container

Restore the database backup:

docker exec -i <mysql_container_id> 
mysql -u user -ppassword faveo < /path/inside/container/faveo-db-bkp-dd-mm-yy.sql

4. Rename Existing Faveo Directory

Rename the existing Faveo directory (created by Docker) to keep it as a backup:

mv faveo-helpdesk-docker-v2/faveo faveo-helpdesk-docker-v2/faveo-old

5. Create a New Faveo Directory

Create a new directory for Faveo:

mkdir -p faveo-helpdesk-docker-v2/faveo

6. Unzip the File System Backup

Unzip the file system backup to the new Faveo directory:

unzip faveo-fs-bkp-dd-mm-yy.zip -d faveo-helpdesk-docker-v2/faveo

7. Set Correct Ownership

Change the ownership of the files to www-data to ensure proper permissions:

chown -R www-data:www-data faveo-helpdesk-docker-v2/faveo

8. Update the .env File

Edit the .env file in the faveo-helpdesk-docker-v2/faveo directory to reflect the new database credentials:


9. Restart Docker Containers

After completing the configuration changes, restart the Docker containers:

docker compose down && docker compose up -d

Final Steps

  • Verify that the migration has completed successfully by accessing the Faveo Helpdesk in your browser.
  • Test the functionality and ensure data integrity after the migration.
