Welcome to the Faveo installation documentation. This documentation shows how to install Faveo Helpdesk on various platforms(OS)

About FaveoPermalink

Faveo is a leading open source, self-hosted, on-premise help desk software.

Find out more »

Installing Faveo Permalink

Faveo can be installed on a variety of platforms. The choice of the platform is yours.

How To’s Permalink


Hardware Requirements:Permalink

The minimum Hardware requirements for faveo to work:

  • CPU: 4vCPU
  • RAM: 8GiB
  • Storage: 40GiB

The above is the minimum requirements for Faveo Helpdesk, and will vary accordingly with the frequency of tickets and workflows.

Software Requirements:Permalink

Basically, Faveo depends on the following:

  • Apache (with mod_rewrite enabled) or Nginx or IIS
  • PHP 8.2.x with the certain extensions like php-curl, php-gd, php-mbstring, php-pecl-mcrypt, php-mysqlnd, php-odbc, php-pdo etc
  • Composer(Optional)
  • MySQL 8.0.x or MariaDB 10.6.x
  • Redis
  • Supervisor

For detailed Software requirements list check here

Installation instructions for specific platformsPermalink

The above mentioned prerequisites to be met have to be installed then faveo can be installed in any OS/Distro from the below list:

Installation instructions for Freelancer, Paid, Enterprise and Community editionsPermalink

One click installersPermalink

Faveo Helpdesk Community can be installed using following installers

Installation via scriptsPermalink

Bash script to Auto Installation of Faveo Helpdesk on the following Linux Operating System Ubuntu 20.04/22.04, Debian 11, RHEL 9, Rocky 9

Faveo can also be installed on a shared server if Emails Incoming/Outgoing is the only requirement, though we highly recommend cloud, VPS or dedicated server for best performance and more control.

Note: In Faveo features like Report generation, Recurring Emails, Notifications etc relies on Redis Database. So if you choose shared hosting like Cpanel. These features will not be available.


If you’d like professional help commercial support is available, email us through the contact form.